Empty Cityscapes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Louis joined the Bronx Senior Photo League classes at Castle Hill Senior Center in March 2019. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Louis transitioned to remote learning, receiving the lessons by text and speaking over the phone. He continued creating a photography project focused on his experience during COVID-19. Louis documented empty cityscapes of the Castle Hill neighborhood during the pandemic. He captured street scenes while New Yorkers were staying home.

Light and shadow created by sun reflect off the fence and sidewalk, 2020.

A family heads into their building, 2020.

Castle Hill Avenue, 2020.

A man walking towards the senior center, 2020.

Soundview park empty, 2020.

A bus stops where there's no one waiting. 2020.

An American flag in the wind at an empty park, 2020.

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