Coming to the U.S. was like entering an entirely new world. The language, the environment…everything was so different. At first my family and I moved fairly often until we finally settled in the South Bronx. I have been living in the same apartment for 33 years now and am really proud of the roots I have in this community and the life my family has built!
I have a passion for photography, and love capturing the moment as it unfolds in front of me. It must run in the family! My father was a lithograph photographer and worked at a very famous magazine in Ecuador—he’s been my inspiration. I love to take pictures of my family and friends, my grandkids, and the places I travel. It allows me to capture a beautiful moment and be able to repeat those memories and images again and again.
I enrolled in my first photography class 2 years ago. I thought it would be difficult, but I love learning and it has actually been a very rewarding experience. I’ve learned about techniques and vocabulary, and everything from self-timers and choosing camera angles, to photo composition.
This year I photographed more of myself in intimate places. I am most proud of the photo I took when I was in my bedroom, because sometimes people don’t want to see another person’s feet, but I don’t care what they say. I took this photo in privacy, with not too much light, so now I’m not afraid to take a picture of my feet, or my shoes.
I’m extremely grateful to my teachers in the program—Ms. Santos and Ms. Dionio. I’ve really been able to count on them and on the program, especially this year during COVID-19, when I learned so much more about taking pictures.